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Ethereum: The transaction is rolled back by calling the bookRoom() function.

Ethereum Transaction Rollback Error: “Transaction is being rolled back when calling the bookRoom() function”

As a developer deploying a smart contract using the Ethereum Virtual Machine (EVM), you have probably encountered issues with transaction rollback. In this article, we will look at why the error occurs and how to resolve it.

The Problem

In your case, when you call the bookRoom()' function from your contract, you encounter an EVM transaction rollback. This means that the execution of the smart contract code has stopped due to a validation error or other error in the contract logic.

Error Details

To troubleshoot this issue, you can access the transaction details using theeth.getTransactionReceipt()’ function from the EVM console. Here is an excerpt from the installation script:

contract = new Web3.eth.Contract(

"0x" + [...contract title],


{ gas: 200000, args: [...yourArgs] }


In this example, the “eth.getTransactionReceipt()” call retrieves the transaction receipt associated with the latest block in the blockchain. From there, you can view the transaction details to identify the error.

Transaction Details

When reviewing the transaction receipt, you should see an error message indicating the reason for the rollback. In this case, the error might look something like this:

0x... (transaction hash)

Error: Reverted: Function "bookRoom" not found

The “function” field in the error message indicates that the contract code attempted to call a function named “bookRoom()”.


Ethereum: Transaction is getting reverted on calling bookRoom() function

To resolve this issue, you need to make sure that the “bookRoom()” function is defined correctly in the contract. Here are some possible solutions:

  • Update ABI: Make sure that the “bookRoom()” function definition is the same as the one provided in the deployment script. If the function name or parameters have changed, update the ABI accordingly.
  • Check for typos: Make sure that you haven’t missed any typos when defining the `bookRoom()’ function. Use a code analyzer, such as Truffle’s built-in linter, to detect potential errors.
  • Check the contract logic

    : Make sure that the “bookRoom()” function is implemented correctly and works as expected. If the problem persists, further investigate the contract logic.

Example solution

To fix this problem, you can modify your deployment script to include a debug statement:

contract = new Web3.eth.Contract(

"0x" + [...contract title],


{ gas: 200,000, args: [...yourArgs] }


console.log('Transaction:', contract.transactionHash);

This prints the transaction hash associated with the most recent block. By examining this information, you can verify that the “bookRoom()” function is defined correctly and that you can call the function as intended.

If you follow these steps and use the EVM console to examine the transaction details, you should be able to identify and resolve the issue causing the “Transaction rolled back when calling bookRoom()” error.


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