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Metamask: react ethersjs metamask with Custom RPC provider

Here a step-step gide on to the integration metamask with React Ethersjs and use it a RPC provider for your Ethereum-based application:

Step 1: Configure Metamask

Bee Sure to have the metamask installed on your browser. Otherwise, download and installs not to the Metamask officer website] (

Step 2: Create an instance off the web3 provider without metamask

Create a new fillile called Web3.js apart, the root of your project directory:


// Web3.js

CONST Web3 = Requires (‘Web3’);

EtherSprovider class {

Builder () {

CONST PROVIDERL = Window.etheum.Selectddddress;

Const Networks = Window.etherum.chains;

CONST Web3 = new Web3 (Window.ethereum);

if (providerl && networks) {

Return Web3.Providers EtherSprovider ({{

Provid: Providerl,

Chaind: Networkid


} other {

console.error (‘no metamask provider found’);

Release a new earror (‘Metamask not installed or selected address not found’);




Module.exports = EthhersProvider;


This encretes an EtherSprovider class that web3 instance with the RPC Provider. The bililer verifies if metmask proviard URL and the Network ID is the they of the Web3

Step 3: Use the the EtherSprovid in your React

app **

In your file app.js or Index.js, import the EtherSproviderclas and use it a RPC provider for your Ethereum-based application:


// app.js

Import Reacting of ‘react’;

Import Reastdom of ‘Ract-Dom’;

Import Web3Provider off ‘./web3.js’;

APP Function () {

a register (

{/ Your contest off your application here /}



Reactdom.render (

{/ Your contest off your application here /}


Document.Getelement by (‘root’)



Step 4: Use the web3 instance in your Reacts

Update the Web3 instance to call the Ethereum functions and interact with the blockchain. For Example:


// mycompponent.js

Import React, {UsesTate} off ‘Ract’;

Import Web3Provider off ‘./web3.js’;

Function Mycompponent () {


HandlegetBalance asynchreated function () {

CONST BALANCE = Web3Provider.getBalance (AccountAddress);

console.log (account Balance: $ {balance});


a register (

My compound

Get the Balance




This is the `Web3Provider’s integrity to cover the ‘GetBalance’ function, which are the Ethereum account Balance.

And that!

With these steps, you mustn to be the metamask configured as your RPC Provider in the React Ethhersjs. You can be a Provider to Interact with React application blockchain.



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